YESS @ SDG’s and the Future Earth Research Agenda- Perspectives of ECS

SDG’s and the Future Earth Research Agenda- Perspectives of Early Career Scientists: Summary Report German Community Future Earth meeting, 20-21 April 2017, Kiel, Germany Faten Bahar represented the YESS Community.   Read Faten’s short report below: Background of the meeting SDGS and the Future Earth research agenda – perspectives of Early Career Scientists The round […]


YESS was present at EGU with“Scientific speed dating” for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)! When and Where? Wed, 26 Apr, 19:00–20:00 / Room 0.15 & ‘After-Conference Drink’ afterwards in bar Käuzchen YESS held an interactive and innovative social activity where all participants could shortly introduce their work to other ECRs to get an idea which scientific […]

YESS @ DKK-Meeting

Three weeks ago, YESS was present at the yearly meeting of the German Climate Consortium (DKK) in Berlin. The DKK represents the leading players of German climate and climate impact research encompassing more than 20 renowned research organizations. With “500 days after Paris”, the meeting focused on achievements and challenges of climate science after COP […]

Great News! YESS office has opened

We are happy to announce that the YESS office has officially been established at Argentina’s National Weather Service in Buenos Aires. The YESS office will assist in the coordination of the YESS community and means a big step forward in helping to engage more Early Career Scientists and build the YESS community more internationally and […]

YESS Elections

The yearly YESS elections are coming up!! YESS will have its elections this April. The YESS council will elect Regional Representatives and the Executive Committee. People from the council can self-nominate them or get nominated by others to participate in the elections as a candidate for the Executive Committee. Members from the YESS community can self-nominate […]


Read the news item about YESS in the SPARC* news! ‘Opportunity for young scientists: YESS community on its future vision‘   *SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate) is a core project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)


YESS was present at AGU and gave a presentation in the AGU Career Resource Theater to share with early career AGU attendees background on YESS and how they can get involved. As a follow up on the presentation, YESS was featured in the AGU Blogosphere. Read the blog about the New YESS Office being […]