During the last week of October 2015 an international and interdisciplinary group of around 30 active YESS members came together for a three day workshop in Offenbach at the German Weather service in Germany.
The workshop was sponsored by the three research programmes of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the specialised UN-agency for Weather and Climate. These research programmes are the World Climate Research Programme, WCRP; World Weather Research Programme, WWRP; Global Atmosphere Watch, GAW.
During the workshop a diverse set of topics were discussed related to the early career researchers vision on Earth System Science and on the development of the YESS community. It was an inspiring, enthusiastic and energetic workshop with many new developments, some of which will be explained below.
The mission of the workshop was to develop an early career perspective on earth system science. We discussed topics such as; seamless environmental predictions between all scales, user-driven science, communicating uncertainty, future of earth system science. The outcomes of the discussions were published:
Earth System Science Frontiers: An Early Career Perspective
Rauser, F., Alqadi, M., Arowolo, S., Baker, N., Bedard, J., Behrens, E., Dogulu, N., Domingues, L.G., Frassoni, A., Keller, J. and Kirkpatrick, S., Langendijk G., Mirsafa M., Salauddin, M., Naumann A.K., Osman, M., Reed, K., Rothmuller, M., Schemann, V., Singh, A., Tummon, F., Dike, V., Villafuerte M.Q., Walawender J.P., Zaroug, M., 2017. Earth System Science Frontiers: An Early Career Perspective. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(6), 1120-1127.
Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0025.1
Additionally, we updated the YESS structure to better organise ourselves and to improve the capabilities of the network; to further grow internationally and to give the young early career scientist a collective voice in the international research community.
To improve the YESS structure we established a council where all active YESS members can take part in. The council will regularly meet in teleconferences to discuss YESS and the developments of the network. If you are a YESS member and want to become active in shaping the YESS community, you can always join the council.
We also established Working Groups to coordinate the ongoing and future activities. These working groups are presently focussed on outreach, webinars, website and membership-management, you can always join a working group.