Paper published: Integrated role of ECRs in the IPCC

New ECR paper published in Climatic Change Journal

How can early career researchers play an integrated role in the IPCC process? Recently, as part of a collaborative international effort among a group of YESS members, the following paper has been published in Climatic Change Journal: 

Towards a more integrated role for early career researchers in the IPCC process, by Gulizia, C., Langendijk, G., Huang-Lachmann, JT. de Amorim Borges, P., Flach, R., Githaiga, C., Rahimi, M. (2019). Climatic Change.

The participation of the majority of the co-authors of this paper in the Future-Earth-PROVIA-IPCC workshop “Integrated research on climate risk and sustainable solutions across IPCC working groups: Lessons learnt from AR5 to support AR6” held from 29 to 31 August 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden, has sparked the idea to conduct this study. 

Main highlights of the study:

  • Results are based on a global survey conducted among  more than 500 ECRs respondents worldwide. The authors have interviewed ten key experts of the IPCC process to gather their insights and further recommendations.
  • ECRs are highly motivated to become actively involved in the IPCC process, but face a number of barriers to contribute. 
  • Mutually beneficial ways forward on how ECRs could contribute are  outlined and recommendations to implement these paths are suggested to IPCC, as well as to ECRs. 

Summary of the main recommendations to ECRs and IPCC described in the paper: