An Initiative to Seamlessly Integrate the Climate Change Knowledge with the Core Curriculum

YESS partners with TROP-ICSU (Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) for the review and dissemination of the teaching materials that are being developed under this project.
The TROP ICSU is a global project (more info) funded by the International Science Council (previously ICSU), with an aim to integrate climate change knowledge in the core curriculum across various disciplines. The main objective of this project is to provide teaching resources for educators in schools and colleges (high school to undergraduate level) for the better understanding of the science of climate change. The pedagogical tools that are being developed will also help the educators associated with the core climate change communities to seamlessly merge the climate change knowledge into the classroom, which will play an instrumental role in sensitizing the students towards the implications of climate change.
The Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from the YESS community encompasses multidisciplinary areas including Science, Mathematics, Geophysics, Economy, Governance among others, that are directly or indirectly related to the subject of meteorology and climate change. The opinions of the ECRs on the educational resources will be helpful to enhance the quality, scientific correctness, and appropriateness of the teaching resources. The teaching tools and lesson plans that are being developed will be available worldwide in multiple languages in years to come.
Under this partnership, the YESS reviewers will also receive an acknowledgement certificate from TROP ICSU as a recognition for their time and efforts. This collaboration will not only help the TROP ICSU for the scientific validation of the tools but will also help the ECRs to raise their scientific profile.
TROP ICSU Workshops Worldwide
To foster close collaborations and to enable the further dissemination of the educational tools around the world TROP ICSU organised workshops across the globe. YESS has been represented at the following workshops:
Beijing, China; 16-17 July 2019
South East Asian representative attended as a YESS member.
Paris, France; 28 June 2019
European member Moha Diallo represented YESS.
Cairo, Egypt; 15-16 April 2019
Our African members Amira Nasser and Gamil Gamal represented YESS.
Pretoria, South Africa; 2-3 April 2019
African member Stefaan Conradie represented YESS.
Thimphu, Bhutan; 14-15 February 2019:
South East Asian member Kinley Choden represented the YESS.
The YESS Executive Committee member, Dr. Shipra Jain, has attended their pilot workshop in New Delhi, India in October 2018.
If you are an ECR, and interested in reviewing some of their tools, get in touch with us: gro.ytinummoc-sseynull@tcatnoc