“As the next generation of climate scientists, we are dedicated to overcome the challenges outlined in this summary and are looking forward to advancing CLIVAR’s mission and activities”.
On the occasion of the 20-year anniversary of Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR), a three-day event associated with the CLIVAR Open Science Conference was held in Qingdao, China, during September 2016.
The CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium, with 135 early-career scientists from 34 countries, aimed to capture the ideas of early career researchers on pressing science priorities, imminent challenges, and emerging opportunities to help guide the future evolution of CLIVAR.
The meeting report on the CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium 2016 has been published in the Nature Partners Journal Climate and Atmospheric Science and can be found here.

Swart, N. C., J. Busecke, G. Langendijk, K. A. Reed, S. M. Kang, E. Behrens, A. Frassoni, N. C. Baker, J. V. Durgadoo, V. N. Dike & D. Nath (2018), Reflections on the CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium 2016, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 1, 6, doi:10.1038/s41612-018-0015-y.