Science webinar series
The goal of these webinar series is to keep the community well informed with the latest research and broaden their knowledge in areas of the Earth sciences. The online activities have been helpful in the professional development of ECRs and keep them motivated during these uncertain times.
First edition (June-July 2020)
YESS, lead by the Science and Online Events WG, hosted a Science webinar series between June and July. The first webinar was titled From global mean sea level changes to land-atmosphere interactions and the speaker was Dr. Min-Hui Lo. The second webinar, Viewing Climate Signals through an AI lens, was lead by Dr. Elizabeth A. Barnes.
Second edition (September-November 2020)
With the success of the first edition of the Science Webinar and the interests shown by the YESS community, the team comprising members from the Online Events and Science Working Groups launches the second edition of the Science Webinar series. This series was focused on Climate Change.
South American webinars
In 2020, the YESS Community, lead by the South American representatives and members from the region, are organizing a webinar series on Career opportunities and experiences in Climate and Weather research for South American scientists.
Greenhouse gases and atmospheric composition measurements
The GAWTEC webinar series aims to provide scientific keynote presentations on atmospheric composition given by experts in their field and to provide a platform for exchange and questions for people interested in atmospheric composition, especially early career researchers. Its first edition focuses on greenhouse gases and atmospheric composition measurements.
The recordings are here.

Exploring the role of citizen science in weather, climate, and related projects
YESS and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) are delighted to announce the first edition of the Citizen Science Webinar series between September and November 2020.
The webinars aim to enable further discussion on this topic and bring together scientists, stakeholders and the fresh vision of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) under the same umbrella to foster the understanding of resilience to high impact weather, worldwide, through improving forecasts for different timescales and enhance their communication and utility in social, economic and environmental applications.
Sustainable Development in Africa
The YESS Community, the Pan-African University, Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES), with the contribution of Future Earth’s Food-Water-Energy Nexus Knowledge-Action-Network (Nexus KAN) and the United Nations University (UNU), are currently organising the webinar series on Sustainable Development in Africa: the role of science and social engagement in shaping the future of the continent. More information can be found here.
In the third edition (2021), a particular focus is given to digital transformation, job opportunities in the post-COVID context, as well as strategy to reduce the gaps between research and application in the context of sustainable science for Africa. More information here.
Science-Policy Interface in Sustainability
This series of webinars, co-organised with the Early Career Network of Networks and with Future Earth, aims at improving our understanding of interactions between science and policy, give recommendations on how to best communicate science to policy makers, and learn from the experience of senior researchers and professionals. The underneath webinar was co-organised and moderated by a YESS member, and centered around urban activities. Other webinars of the series and more information can be found here.